Kylie's class had their Christmas program last Friday. The theme was T'was Night Before Christmas. Each class had a different theme within the theme. For example there was a class that did a Dinosaurs Night Before Christmas, one did a Soldiers Night Before Christmas and so on. Kylie's class was a Texas Night Before Christmas. She slept with curlers in her hair so she could have curly hair for her program, or as Jed and I call it, "Big Texas Hair". She did a great job! Delivered her lines nice and loud and closed the show with "We Wish You A Rootin' Tootin' Christmas. Unfortunately we were not very close, so didn't get may great pictures. 

Here is a picture of her at the microphone.
I am not sure what brough it on, but Kylie has a new obsession with Japan. For the last couple of days she has been carrying this book around pretending to read it. It is a guide to Japan and the Japanese Language. When the girls play school and she is the teacher they are always learning about Japan. She takes it to bed with her because Jenna always reads a little at night, so she looks at this book before bed.
She will "read" it to anyone who will listen.
Sammy seems to be her biggest fan.
Now that Jed and I laughed at her and took pictures of her with the Japan book I am sure that she will keep it up because she is a little ham like that.
She is our crazy one. She keeps us all laughing.

She will "read" it to anyone who will listen.

Now that Jed and I laughed at her and took pictures of her with the Japan book I am sure that she will keep it up because she is a little ham like that.
She is our crazy one. She keeps us all laughing.
1 comment:
Only in Texas! How cute! Man, I am waaay behind at catching up with your blog, so many fun new pictures. You guys are bloggin' fools these days! Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas with your own little family -- what fun to be at home and start your own family traditions. Let's catch up soon! Love and miss you guys!
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