We allowed the girls to open one present on Christmas Eve. Of course the girls talked about it all day and were a little let down to open up a pair of pajamas.

Kylie's class made reindeer food at her Christmas party, so we saved it until Christmas Eve and went out to sprinkle it in the yard. For those of you who have not made reindeer food it is made up of oatmeal and rasins, with a little bit of glitter to help the reindeer fly.

It couldn't have been more perfect. The minute we walked out side a plane must have been flying by. Red bliking lights in the sky. We panicked at first thinking we should all get in bed quick in case Santa was a little ahead of schedule.

After the reindeer food was down we went inside and Jed and I enjoyed the easiest bedtime of the year. No one getting up for a drink of water or to tell on their sister on Christmas Eve...love it!
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