Okay, Okay...this one doesn't fit the post title, but I had to throw it in here just for the shock value!! This was a week or so ago, when we were trying to get a nice family shot for the annual Christmas card. No, Landrie wasn't cooperating and was getting pretty fed up, but we made it through the turmoil! Now, on with the crazy smiles!!

As you can see, Landrie tends to over smile. Her nose gets all crinkled up and she really shows off the handful of teeth that she has at the tender age of 18 months.

This was is a little more relaxed and natural...maybe it was the bowling?

Still bowling, still natural, but a little more excitement than the previous.

Okay, back to the wild smile. It must be attributed to Pop Pop or her bath. And she was in the buff too?

This is a "lean forward and really smile"...careful...yes, Landrie you could fall out of the rocker.

Here's a "no dad, just a calm smile here...what are you trying to make me look like, a crazy girl?"

Yes!! Got one more shot of the crazy smile...quite a personality she is showing lately. Hearing a lot more "No", both Jenna and Kylie are known as "Jenna", she likes Jenna's old glasses--they make her giggle like crazy and she is still doing the eye closing disassociation thing. She hates her winter coat and being in her carseat, so the two of those together make for a really mad 18 month old--gotta love that:)
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