Thanksgiving 2008 started out with our road trip north on Interstate 35 on our way to Atkinson/Geneseo, Illinois to see Pop Pop, Shanny and the rest of the family. The girls did pretty well on the road, we drove through the night and arrived in about 15 hours total. It worked out well, Landrie was our biggest worry, but she ended up being more cooperative and fought less than Jenna and Kylie. We didn't take as many pictures as we should have, but here are a few highlights.

The annual bowling venture to Lee's Lanes was fun. All had a good time, especially Kylie and Jenna. They used bumpers, one bright pink bowling ball and another bright orange--so perfect for them! Here is Kylie being a ham.

Landrie was quite a little clown. She is doing this strange eye closing thing when she gets scolded, like she is disassociating herself, or saying, "Um, I can't see you and therefore can't hear you either." It is quite amusing. She is also doing this over the top smile, which I will do a separate post for since I have so many shots of just that. She loved spending time with everyone, and loved running around naked by the fireplace after her bath. Crazy girl!

Uncle Conor was a big hit as always. He is so good with the girls, playing pool, rockband, whatever, they just adore him! He is a sophomore this year--6 months away from getting his license.

Pop Pop, Shanny and Uncle Mike posing for a shot at Lee's Lanes. The deal was the losers would do clean up after dinner.

It was so nice to spend some time with Grandma Marge. The girls loved playing in her basement again, they always seem to remember her basement. It is a comfy, cozy place--I guess that's why.

Pop Pop and Shanny were so helpful once again. They even had a roomate while we visited, Landrie slept in with them in their room! They got up with her every morning and got her started with breakfast, etc, so we were able to sleep in and rest. That was GREAT!!
It was a great Thanksgiving Break, we were so fortunate to have the whole week off from school and to be able to make the trip to spend this time with family. We stayed the whole week and left on Friday night about 6:45 and made it home in even better time--14 hours and 15 minutes.