Oh my goodness, I did it again. Another month has passed and no post from the Eisels. That being said I am sure that you guessed it, May was a crazy month.
One of the highlights of May was our 3rd annual trip to Crystal Beach Texas. This year was a little different. Hurrican Ike blew through Crystal beach almost 9 months ago. We had been watching the websites to see the damage, but were not sure what it would be like.

Of course we rode the ferry there. This was a highlight for Landrie seeing as "bird" is one of her favorite words. Very cute unless you ride with her everyday and she feels the need to point out every bird she sees...and, doesn't just say "bird", but instead yells "BIRD, BIRD, BIRD" unitll I comment on the fact that she does in fact see a bird. OK, I guess it is still cute.

Here shi is spoting a bird I'm sure.

Like I mentiond, the hurricane hit this part of Texas hard. This is a picture on the main road of the peninsula. Piles of trees and branches and random garbage. It will take them forever to get back to normal, but they are well on their way.

Here is a picture of a neighborhood that was once house after house after house. Now you can see it is pretty sparce. Some have rebuilt and some are still waiting to be demolished.

Here is a house we came across on the beach. Like the front had been sliced off.

Here is a shot of our house...great place.

The view off of the front deck. That blue house on the beach is the one that was missing it's front. From the back it looked like they were just missing a few peices of siding.

Landries favorite past time on day 1...eating sand.

I really thought she would figure out that it didn't taste great and be done, but not untill she was pooping sand did she figure that out.

Kylie and Andrew.

The whole gang.

The pool helped with the sand eating a little.

What a great trip!
Absolutely hilarious about Landrie eating sand!!! You guys have been so brave- we won't tackle the beach thing for at least a couple of years. But I know it will be a blast!
Looks like y'all had a great trip! Love the pics!
Did the house you guys stayed in have any damage? Looks like you had a blast maybe not as fun as being on Gull Lake in Brainerd. Was there anyone else there or did you guys have the whole beach to yourself?
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