Oh My Goodness! Where has the month of April gone? Here is the quick version of what we have have been up to this month.

The girls used the clues that the Easter Bunny left to find their baskets in Landrie's closet...silly rabbit! Note: Kylie is getting lots of use out of the shoes she got for Jamie and Mitch's wedding, yes, check out her shoes!

Easter eggs were colored.

Landrie did not get the dye...just stickers for her.

That crazy bunny put eggs everywhere.

Landrie wore her rain boots and pulled Kylie's hair. This is a daily occurance. Doesn't bother Jenna...she just keeps reading.

Jenna and Kylie took the first swim of the season...burrr! 68 degrees.

Her teeth are chattering, you just can't see it.

Here we are at CiCi's Pizza. This was on Kylie's birthday. Since I blogged last we have celebrated 3 birthdays. Mine on the 13th(32!), Kylie turned 5 on the 15th and Jenna turned 7 on the 29th. We are holding off on the actual birthday party until we can swim. End of May, maybe June.

Sammy snuggled with our favorite stuffed animal, Polka Dot Murray. Cozy!

Landrie finally started letting us put ponies in her hair. Hard to see, but you get the idea.
At this point we are just washing our hands trying to keep the Swine Flu away and counting down the days until summer. We are headed south to Crystal Beach on Wednesday for our annual long beach weekend and are really looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see it since Hurricane Ike hit last September!
So, that was April in a nutshell. Hopefully, I can get another post up before the end of May :)
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