This past weekend we had a visitor. Grandy flew in to spend the weekend with us. Kylie got to stay home Monday and spend the day with Grandy and Jenna had a surprise when Grandy showed up for lunch with her at school on Tuesday. We had a great visit. We spent Sunday at the Dallas Zoo. It was perfect weather and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Jenna and Jed getting up close with the penguins.

Jenna and Grandy waiting for a sting ray to swim by. This was a touch pond. It was neat.

Here we are on the monorail.

I love this picture! This gorilla was really watching us. He sure knows how to pose.
For those of you wondering why I have all sorts of pictures of Jenna at the zoo near animals and not Kylie...the reason is that Kylie is more of an "enjoy the animals from the wagon type of girl". You never know when a penguin or a sting ray might brake loose...as for the gorilla, I wouldn't have sat there either!
1 comment:
Looks like you guys had a great time. I love the last picture of Jed looking through the glass at Jenna!! I also love the wagon, pretty high tech and high class!! Hope all is well down in hottest state in the nation and I hope you all don't melt. Bring on the snow!!
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