For some reason we cannot have great weather for a birthday party. Every year we wait until the middle of May for the pool to be warm enough to swim and it is cloudy. This year was especially bad because it was a gorgeous untill about 2:00...and yep, you guessed it...that is when the party started.
Jenna and Kylie by their hibiscus cakes.
Opening some gifts.
Not just any Barbie. Nope...this one comes with a hair streaking device. Not only can you give barbie pink, purple or blue highlights....it works in your hair too! We all had highlights on Sunday(except Jed).
Jed and I enjoying the theme. Gosh he is buff!!

The pool area looks AWESOME!! I am expecting the same from when we come out in June. I think we can go with the same theme but we NEED to have are some REAL palm trees, some expensive decorations and about three coolers full of assorted drinks, ice cream, and snacks. GET TO WORK!!
What a fun party! Love the flower in the hair. And Ellie is coveting that Barbie -- she's been seeing it on TV for weeks, and when she saw Kylie's picture, she said "Mom, if that little girl can have that Barbie, I have to have it too!" Highlights, here we come! Good thing it's a few months 'til her birthday...
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