Here is Jenna taking the new bike for a spin. It's purple with a bell. Just what she wanted. Christmas day we headed to the park to give it a try. She took off. (Ringing the bell all the way!)

Here are a couple pictures of Kylie on her pink princess bike complete with a water bottle and bag for all of her biking necessities. She had a great time trying to keep up with Jenna.

We took turns helping her out a little with the brakes, pedaling, and steering.
Other than that she's got it down!
Riding bikes on Christmas, that's insane!! Where's the SNOW!!!I have to say and want to give you guys credit for buying them both bikes. I remeber one Christmas where Shawn got a bike an I got a Duke's of Hazard car set...lets see...I think I would of liked the bike. I'm not complaining though. Nice work girls!! Your dad still needs training wheels so your way ahead of him!!
I forgot to say, Looking good Jed!! What do you weigh now? I'm guessing 125. If you want to see what I look like just look at your 'Our Memory Lane' picture of Jenna. I'm the one on the left.
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