
30 December 2007

New Bikes from Santa!

Here is Jenna taking the new bike for a spin. It's purple with a bell. Just what she wanted. Christmas day we headed to the park to give it a try. She took off. (Ringing the bell all the way!)

Here are a couple pictures of Kylie on her pink princess bike complete with a water bottle and bag for all of her biking necessities. She had a great time trying to keep up with Jenna.

We took turns helping her out a little with the brakes, pedaling, and steering.
Other than that she's got it down!

26 December 2007

Christmas Excitement!

Of course everyone likes to open gifts. However, we got the biggest kick out of watching Kylie open her gifts this year. Imagine this.....someone tells you that you just won a million dollars. Are you picturing your reaction? That is the reaction that we saw from Kylie with every gift. "Oh my goodness a Barbie." or "Oh my goodness it's a pair of pants." Seriously, it was the best!

25 December 2007

T'was the Night Before Christmas...

We spent some time during the day making some Christmas cookies, the girls enjoyed getting frosting everywhere! Auntie Jamie and Phillip helped out, making the mess that is!! Just kidding guys...
Later that night, we made the traditional preparations for Santa's arrival in Cedar Hill. We set up a plate with Christmas cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. We sprinkled "Reindeer Magic" on the front lawn for the nine of them to enjoy while they waited for Santa to get down the chimney and back to the sleigh. Then it was almost bedtime...
We continued our little tradition of having the girls open ONE present on Christmas Eve. Of course, we choose that present because it is PAJAMAS!! With Auntie Jamie and Phillip spending the holiday with us, they wanted the girls to open one of theirs too, so we said it would be okay. I told Katie my reasoning was that the second present wasn't from us, so it didn't infringe on tradition. ***And yes, before I went to bed, I made sure the fire was out so Santa didn't get any serious burns.
The magic moment of the Christmas Eve pajamas...Landrie could hardly contain her excitement either. Sleepy girl in the swing, must be rough. I wonder if I would sleep that good in that swing?
Nice smiles by all, except for the serious one in the middle. The girls enjoyed spending some time with Auntie Jamie, and her help in making the Christmas cookies!!

22 December 2007

School's Out for Christmas Break!!

Friday was a big day at Sallye Moore Elementary for all the kids! There was learning, of course, as well as an all school sing along in the cafeteria. Pretty serious business...afterwards I followed Jenna's class back to their room for their holiday party. That entailed pizza, several other snacks and cupcakes. They exchanged their little hand made 'gifts', and soon were on their way home for the holiday break. I got a couple snapshots of her with her little buddies..that's her and Taj above.
These two little ladies are like two peas in a pod, it's Jenna and Alycia.
What a day...Christmas only a couple days away now...

18 December 2007

Faces of Landrie

Landrie is beginning to show a lot more of her personality. This is a series of the "nice" Landrie. She is smiling, chilling out, and swinging after a nice dinner.
First she cuts up with all sorts of giggling and laughter...
Here she shows off her leg and foot...
Then, she flashes some crazy gang signs or sign language. (we're not sure which)
'Naughty' Landrie has this piercing squeal/screech that she bellows when she is wanting something or wants to be entertained...thankfully this doesn't happen frequently. But, I guess since I posted it, it must be often enough to count!!!
It just may be that pesky 1st tooth about to break through...either way, we love you Landrie Ryenn:)

14 December 2007

A Proud Kindergarten Christmas

The other day Jenna's class went to the school Christmas tree at the entryway to put on their hand made ornaments. Jenna's was a bell. You can see her peeking over the little boy named "Taj". He is the coolest little guy...he sits at Jenna's table, so she talks about him a lot. The little guy in front at the tree is one to watch out for...(in my fatherly opinion):)

11 December 2007

Christmas Cookie Time

We spent some time Sunday afternoon making Christmas cookies with our friends the Nordwick/Rebarcheks and the Bradleys. Jenna and Kylie had a great time with Andrew and Ian...Landrie was just supervising. Next year she will join the assembly line too...
The most fascinating thing for them was the sprinkles. The frosting was fun, but nothing compared to covering them with sprinkles...except of course for eating them!

07 December 2007

Nothing beats the excitement of a child

Jenna was thrilled with her bowling skills; many times she managed to knock most of the pins down and maybe even got a strike? The simplicity of the whole thing is just great.
Kylie knocked over eight of them on this round, and I think she got some air running back to tell us. If she didn't get some air, this is proof that her hair got some air...she's our little muppet.