London Jean Scofield was born in the wee hours of the morning on September 22, 2009 at Fairview Red Wing Hospital in scenic Red Wing, Minnesota. You know Red Wing, home of the Red Wing HS Wingers??!!
Congrats to the new mom and dad too---try to get in as much sleep as possible, whenever you can Jamie and Mitch!!

Besides London being born, all is pretty hectic here.
School has been very busy for Katie and I. The girls are doing well, Landrie is quite the Chatty Cathy girl. Jenna and Kylie talk my ear off to and from school every day. Sometimes I have to announce 'talk break'--and turn up the radio a bit to decompress and clear my mind. Life is hectic, and one just has to enjoy every moment, no matter how crazy it seems. I found myself reminiscing about college life in Bemidji today---seems like yesterday, but actually about a decade ago, plus a couple of years!!! REALLY!!?? Wow, that is crazy. I have rambled a bit much. Anyway, back to the reason for the post, London: Look forward to meeting you soon, don't be too hard on your mom and dad.:)