
30 August 2009

First Day of School

Monday was a big day at our house. Jenna had her first day as a 3rd grader and Kylie started Kindergarten.

Here they are sporting their new backpacks. Kylie's with princesses (of course) and Jenna's with iCarly on it. They were set.

A couple quick pics before getting in the car.

All smiles.
Jenna took a picture of Jed and I with Kylie on her first day of school. Landrie snuck in too.
Here's Kylie with her teacher, Ms. Wood. She had a great first day. When I drove to pick them all up because we were all carpooling due to some Jetta issues...anyway...when I got there Kylie flew out the front doors of the school screaming "Mommy, I liked it." Jed said he saw her throughout the day in passing and she was just bouncing, ponytails swinging and smiling from ear to ear. That's my Kindergarten Kylie!

15 August 2009

A Night at the Drive-In

A few weeks ago we all packed up the family and headed for Ennis, Texas. What's in Ennis you ask...the galaxy drive in theatre.

Landrie sat in her lawn chair for exactly 7 min. After that she was walking around, getting in and out of the van, and really just content when sitting by the popcorn.

It is about a 40 minute drive from our house, so we don't go often, but have been a few times. $5 gets you in to watch one of their four screens. Each screen shows 2 movies a night. I know we watched Ice Age 3, and Landrie was not about to sit through another movie, so we called it a night after that.