About 10 minutes after arriving in Illinois Jenna found the motercycle helmet and pretty much spent the next several dasy either one the motorcycle or asking to ride the motorcycle.
Speed Racer.

Kylie was a little nervous so jed took her for a spin.

Landrie - not nervous at all, but wishing her legs were a little longer.

Thanks Aunt Jamie for the ride.

Cheeeeese with Pop Pop.
I am so upset with myself that I did not do a better job of taking pictures.

Sparkler fun!
Between the first two nights I think we set off a record breaking number of fireworks...big ones!

The girls got to hang with Grandma Marge on the 4th.

Jed and I volunteered to got pick up Grandma Marge in Geneseo. We went a little early so that we could visit a little and have a drink with her in her basement that brings back great memories.

The girls with their cousin Kyle. Thanks Kyle for letting the girls take over your motorcycle for a few days.

Laughing with my Landrie!

The girls had a good time building blocks in the basement.

Jenna giving Pop Pop a tractor ride.

Kylie and Uncle Mitch checking out Conors new truck.

Conor did such a great job helping Kylie on the motorcycle.
And, did I mention that he saved Jenna from a huge accident. The first time she got on it she reved it up and practically wheelied her way across the driveway...thanks Conoc for being in the right place at the right time and helping to catch her. Once we set the speed to not exceed 1st gear they were good to go.

In no time at all Kylie was on her own racing around the yard!

A more mellow ride for Landrie.

Jenna going off the diving board at the local pool.

Kylie shooting out the slide.

And of course a bath in the driveway with a hose and some spray foam soap.
Thanks for a great trip Pop Pop and Shanny!